Ideology and

Forthcoming - February 5, 2024

Theo-Political Reading of
Shusaku Endo's Silence

Limited time

Exclusive pre-order package
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Pre-order package includes:
1. Physical copy of the book, signed by the author
2. Your name in the Acknowledgments section
3. Ebook (.epub) copy of the book
4. Invitation to book release party (in-person or online)

What you'll learn

History, Theology, Philosophy

Dive deep into the pain and contradictions of early 17th century Kyushu as the Tokugawa regime launches a brutal religious persecution.You'll read about:- The peasant uprising at Shimabara
- A renewed theology of liberation
- The history of Japanese Buddhism
- Indigenous Japanese-Christian critiques of Buddhism
- The philosophy of Slavoj Žižek
- The origin of the Japanese state
- Nietzsche's critique of compassion
- And much more

Historical Context

What the text leaves unsaid

Shusaku Endo drops his readers into a tumultuous time in Japanese history, but leaves out many of the fascinating events which lead up to the story of Silence. This book sheds light on these crucial moments and social phenomena in order to deepen your reading experience with the novel.


Ethical contradictions

Endo's novel is shot through with ethical conundrums of all kinds, with many characters reaching radically different conclusions, and no answers are offered to the reader. Together, we will put ourselves into the grip of these dilemmas to think carefully about what it means to be faithful to the message of Jesus in our contemporary context.


Matthew A. Stanley

Matthew unites many contradictions - he is a Christian theologian, an avid reader of continental philosophy, a student of Japanese Buddhism, and an aspiring psychoanalyst. He explores these topics through his newsletter Samsara Diagnostics and his podcast Samsara Audio.Japanese history, culture, and philosophy has been an unwavering passion for Matthew since his teenage years, but Shusaku Endo's novel Silence especially has been a constant companion and catalyst for reflection. Ideology and Christianity Freedom represents his first major attempt to synthesize the fruits of his wrestling with the contemporary implications of Endo's novel.

Available at AMAZON SOON

Physical copy

Paperback copies of Ideology and Christianity Freedom will be available to purchase on Amazon for $15 a piece on February 5th, 2024.


Digital Bundle

A bundle including a digital (.epub) and audiobook formats will be available for purchase through my Ko-Fi shop on February 5th, 2024. The bundle costs $8.


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Samsara Diagnostics supports religious practice, philosophical inquiry, and psychoanalytic theory, all in service of recovering the freedom of finitude.

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